Public Records Requests

  • Make a Public Records Request

    Kent School District (精东影业) maintains records for the schools within the district. With written authorization, the district can provide student records and other public documents.

    Some records are exempt from disclosure. For more information, please review common exemptions cited with the release of public records.

    If you would like to request records other than student records, you may do so by completing a Public Records Request Form and returning it electronically or through the mail.


    Complete the form electronically and email it to


    Mail a hard copy of the completed form to the following address:

    Kent School District
    ATTN: Human Resources, Legal & Labor
    12033 SE 256th Street #A-100
    Kent, 精东影业 98030-6503


    Once a request for public records is received, Kent School District has five (5) business days to respond to a records request.

    The District may:

    • Provide the records
    • Forward the records request to the appropriate department
    • Acknowledge the receipt of the request and provide a timeline for delivery
    • Ask for clarification
    • Deny the request with a statement as to why the records are being withheld along with a citation of the appropriate RCW.
Last Modified on January 10, 2020